Online Veranstaltung: „The Social Situation and Cultural Heritage of Roma/ Sinti Roma in Germany “ by Marko D. Knudsen
Antar Rashtriya Sahayog Parishad (ARSP)
Centre for Roma Studies and Cultural Relations (CRSCR), New Delhi
has the privilege of inviting you to
The Eleventh Virtual Lecture of the Lecture Series
The Social Situation and Cultural Heritage of Roma/ Sinti Roma in Germany
Saturday, 29th January, 2022
17:30 – 19:00 Hrs. Indian Time (13:00-14:30 Central European Time)
17:15 hrs. IST Log in (Registration)
The Lecture (17:30 – 19:00 hrs. Indian Time )
Opening Remark – Amb. Rajesh Sachdeva, Chairperson, CRSCR
Introductory Remark – Zameer Anwar, Senior Research Associate, CRSCR
Welcome Address – Shyam Parande, Secretary General, ARSP
Special Lecture – Mr. Marko D. Knudsen, Journalist, Writer, Scientists and Chairman of the Bildungsverein der Roma zu Hamburg e.V. (Educational NGO of Roma in Hamburg)- Editor in Chief Rom.News Network and General Sekretary of the
Q & A and Interactive Session (Questions pertaining to the theme are desired)
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